A downloadable game

I am pleased to present "Revolv-lution," a project I completed in 2020 during my first year at university. This project marks my initial foray into the realm of design and creativity, showcasing my ability to conceptualize and execute innovative ideas. "Revolv-lution" represents the beginning of my professional journey, highlighting a pivotal stage in my academic and programmer development.

The development of "Revolv-lution" began with extensive research and brainstorming sessions. I explored various themes and mechanics before settling on the idea of cycles and transformation. The initial stages involved sketching out concepts and creating basic prototypes to test gameplay mechanics and ensure they were engaging and intuitive.

"Revolv-lution" is more than just a game; it is a reflection of my growth as a designer and programmer. The project provided invaluable insights into the creative process, from initial concept development to final execution. I am proud to share this journey with you and hope that  I  will Revolv-lutionize the game industry.

Thank you for your interest in "Revolv-lution." I look forward to sharing more of my work and continuing to evolve as a developer.

Published 21 days ago
TagsShoot 'Em Up, Western
Average sessionA few minutes


Revolv-Lution.rar 34 MB


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Such a cool game. I'm very impressed that you made this on your first year of uni, you're very talented and I'm really lucky that I get to see your continuous progress. <3

thanks for your support. 4 years since then, I thought it was only a blink...